Welcome to Mangaka: The Fast & Furious Game of Drawing Comics! Mangaka has been in development for over three years, beginning with the first playtests in Seattle in 2011. We live in San Francisco now, but we’re excited to return to Seattle (where we lived from 2010-2014) for Emerald City Comic Con!
The Mangaka Kickstarter starts March 26. If you’re in the Seattle area, come to our game demos at ECCC and try out the game! And come by our booth to pick up some Mangaka and comics swag, ask us about the game, or just tell us your favorite manga!
BOOTH LOCATION: S-08, Artists Alley
MANGAKA DEMOS (in the Game Demo area, convention center level 2):
Friday March 27, 8-10 PM
Saturday March 28, 2-4 PM
Saturday March 28, 5-7 PM
Sunday March 29, 2-4 PM
If you need to get hold of us at the con, we’re @mockman on Twitter! Come see us, check out some art from Mangaka, and play the game!